Vandrende i Skogen

Yann Poco

Let's talk about my celebrity crushes.

They are Armie Hammer & Jon Hamm.
Just look at these names, coincidence?

Well, truth be told, they are not photogenic at all! It's hard to find a decent picture of them to do their justice. I think, maybe a real gorgeous man only looks good in motion or real life...

Armie Hammer

I realized that I've seen him in the film Social Network several years ago when I looked over his bio. He didn't impress me much back then. He seems to get sexier as he got older.

I fell in love with this one after I saw the film Call Me by Your Name, like a lot of people did. He is such a warm-hearted, brotherly figure in the film. And he is actually very funny and lovely in real life. This is the conclusion I got after I saw a bunch of interviews of him. Most of all, he looks gorgeous as Oliver.

Jon Hamm

Well, I didn't care for him either in his earlier work MadMan. Probably because there is a pretension of the role I think. I watched the Ellen Show several days ago, in which he was promoting the new film Tag. I liked him immediatly. He is very smart, with a sweet personality as well.

The similarity between them is probably that they both have a deep and charming voice, and both are giant in body shape. One person commented on Youtube says Armie sounds a lot like Jon Hamm. Damn right! So happy Someone has the same thought! 
All in all, these are the two american sweet-hearts who I have a crush on.


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